Grow a Partnership and Attract more Clients through Office 365 Hosting

Talking about how to grow a business will always depend on the clients you are getting to invest may it be to the products or services an organization offers. It is important to know first what advantages or benefits you can offer to get the partnership signed. 

There are 2 advantages Office 365 hosting has to offer. First is on end clients and then there are advantages we consider for resellers. What we are talking about is selling a solution. Those End Client advantages have to be very powerful and very strong and after that when it comes to you for selecting the solution then we are talking about those reseller advantages. 

On End Clients, one advantage is having the full suite access of office apps and other LOB apps from anywhere. It basically offers a mobile access while you get to collaborate within the teams inside two organizations heading towards the same goal which is to gain profit. It also meets the changing business needs with ease because of that. All sensitive information is secured, and it has a built-in disaster recovery plan. It basically extends the lifespan of existing PCs going from traditional to cloud access of information without the worry of data bridge and other security threats online. 

On the Reseller side, it offers an immediate remote customer support and has a streamline IT services without any hassle. Entering to cloud hosting is easy which creates stickiness and add recurring revenue with the use of a multi-tenant environment.

Now that we have presented the advantages who then will be interested? The conclusion is that there’s a lot of markets a lot of potential users who can definitely take advantage of the benefits presented above. Some of them may apply to different groups and some professions or industries that could benefit from using shared computers are on legal industries, education, manufacturing, telemarketing, customer support, health care, remote workers and other seasonal industries. 

SherWeb Performance Cloud 
Did you know that aside from being a Microsoft CSP partner, SherWeb also has its own laaS offering called Performance Cloud? 
What is it? 

* Self-managed or managed infrastructure as a service 
o Cloud Servers 
o Virtual Networking 
o Self-Managed Backups 
o Cloud Databases 
* All the advantages of the cloud 
o Pay-as-you-go, Hourly Billing 
o Easy, Self-Provisioning 
o True Elasticity 
o Windows and Linux 
o 99.99% SLA 
o API Access 

The use of Office 365 has matured over time. A typical user may be stuck in just the usage of basic cloud apps such as Email, Word, Excel and PowerPoint but there are more into that. It also offers News, Information, and Collaboration through sharing documents, having intranet access and department portals within groups. It has automation processes for employee self-service and service desks. It has business applications and offers management visibility through dashboards.

Create your Marketing Blueprint 
Have your own unique value proposition. A UVP or Unique Value Proposition is a statement that sums up what’s great about your business. A unique value proposition is not a slogan, it is factual and presents a clear reason why a client should choose to invest in what an organization has to offer. 

You also need to have your own persona. A persona is a semi-realistic profile of your ideal customer. Based on facts, it describes the primary target for whom you are crafting your product, your messaging, and your content. 

If we are to talk about numbers in terms of having that certain percentage on why you should create content on your website using Office 365, we are basically talking about a big chunk of the IT industry. Over 50,000 per month are related to Microsoft Dynamics 365. 78% of internet users conduct product research online while 70% of the links search users click on are organic. Meaning, not paid ads. 54% more leads are generated by content than paid marketing. How to market to those new audiences? Become a reference in their industry. Understand what content pulls your buyers through the sales funnel and use that context to personalize your marketing at scale. Create a strategy and optimize the use of this tool to gain more profit. You can generate leads through social and online advertising as well. This will all be possible with you utilizing the platforms full potential. 


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